Purpose of 101 Prep.The sole purpose of [101] Prep is to become a social response to the growing number of young, creative people who are either falling through the cracks at school, dropping out, or already entangled with drugs and alcohol, simply due to their (right-brain) way of thinking which is often misunderstood. [101] Prep offers inspiring youth guidance to make necessary adjustments and better choices. We hope to affect a more positive outcome in their lives in regards to behavior, education, business, and career. Simple, positive adjustments and choices will not only affect the program mentee, but also, inevitably, affect the lives of other youth in their community.
The program intends to encourage youth participants to "pay it forward" and encourage the next youth to aspire higher. We encourage our youth to channel their energy towards entrepreneurial career paths such as; fashion, beauty, photography, graphic design, social media management, gaming, real estate, construction, etc. NBC NEWS HIGHLIGHT: Fort Worth Nonprofit Helps Find True Purpose for Youth | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth The right hemisphere is associated with cognitive skills, such as creativity, emotion, and intuitiveness. It also controls the left side of the body, so right-brained people are often left-handed. Right-brain dominant people are characterized as artistic, innovative, and often random. –Psychology Today 2012 According to IDRA 2017, Attrition and Dropout Rates in Texas, Texas is failing to graduate one out of every four students – which translates to losing 11 students per hour. Texas high schools lost 99,960 students in 2016-17 |